I want my students to understand where their food comes from, and make wise decisions based on that knowledge. I want them to think about what they are putting in their mouths. I love to show my kids the ingredients list on the backs of common things. One that I use often is the powdered ranch dressing mix.
We talk about the different preservatives that need to be put in foods to extend their shelf life. This one has 7. We then talk about how we can make the same thing without those extra ingredients in them. I am going to share with you the ranch dressing recipe that I have taught to over 200 kids. It is easy, delicious and natural.
This recipe has two parts, the dry mix and the actual dressing.
For the Dry Mix:
1/2 T black pepper
1 1/2 T parsley flakes
1 T garlic salt
3/4 t salt
1/2 T garlic powder
1 1/2 T onion powder
3/4 t dill weed.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Mix well.
*Bonus* - Use dried parsley and dill from your garden.
Simple, right? You can use the dry mix on chicken, fish, pasta, etc. Just store it in an airtight container or bag. If you want to actually make ranch dressing, you need to add it to a few more things.
For the Dressing:
Put 1 c mayo, 3/4 c sour cream, 1 c buttermilk and 1 t fresh lemon juice in a bowl. Sprinkle with 2 T of the dry mix. Whisk well to combine. Cover and refrigerate any unused ranch.