Monday, May 29, 2017

Spoil to Soil

As mentioned in our previous post, we compost kitchen scraps from our classes.  I could go on for days about the importance/benefits of composting.  The highlights are:

1.  It reduces waste.  Yard and kitchen scraps, or otherwise compostable material, make up 25%-50% of the waste that is dumped into landfills.
2. It is a fantastic fertilizer for your yard and garden.  Compost is full of nutrients and is a sustainable way to take care of your outdoor space.
3. It teaches kids about the life cycle of plants.  I love teaching the kids this concept.  It is always amazing to watch a plant grow, bear fruit, die, compost down, and then ultimately be used to nourish other plants.

These are the three main reasons we compost everything.  An added BONUS...

Sometimes you get a bunch of tomato plants that grow out the side of the compost bin that are full of tomatoes.  Win win.  

I bought our compost bins here.
If you want to learn how to start composting, you can visit this site.

Now go and save the planet and feed your garden.  Good luck!

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